About browser-history

browser-history is a simple, zero-dependencies, developer-friendly python package to retrieve (almost) any browser’s history on (almost) any platform.



To get history from all installed browsers:

from browser_history import get_history

outputs = get_history()

# his is a list of (datetime.datetime, url) tuples
his = outputs.histories

If you want history from a specific browser:

from browser_history.browsers import Firefox

f = Firefox()
outputs = f.fetch_history()

# his is a list of (datetime.datetime, url) tuples
his = outputs.histories


To get bookmarks from all installed browsers:

from browser_history import get_bookmarks

outputs = get_bookmarks()

# bms is a list of (datetime.datetime, url, title, folder) tuples
bms = outputs.bookmarks

To get bookmarks from a specific browser:

from browser_history.browsers import Firefox

f = Firefox()
outputs = f.fetch_bookmarks()

# bms is a list of (datetime.datetime, url, title, folder) tuples
bms = outputs.bookmarks


If you want to jump right in to make contributions, have a look at the issues page on GitHub.

Do note that you do not need to understand everything to start contributing – the issues labeled first-timers-only will help those of you get familiar with Git and the open source workflow without having to worry about understanding the codebase in detail.

Remember the #browser-history-help channel is your friend, and we will address any question related to the project, Rust in general, or even the contribution process.

Learning path for browser-history

(To Be Added) As of now the best way to learn what you need for being able to contribute to browser-history directly is to refer to the docs. It has a bunch of details about the internal workings, the API and contributing instructions. Of course, other than that, there is the #browser-history-help channel on Slack.

Making your first contribution

You can contribute to browser-history by:

  • Actually using browser-history in your projects, and reporting any issues you face, or features you want on the GitHub repo.
  • Seeing the issues currently present and coming up with a fix/contribution
    • The README file will help you on building the application from source
    • Refer to the contribution guidelines given in CONTRIBUTING.md
  • Just talking about it – spread the word about our community and what we are doing with your friends and on social media! More exposure helps us.